Ansible on AIX
It’s a short introduction on what it’s possible to do with Ansible on AIX. Ansible is agentless so requirements are pretty low but operating system support by Ansible define what it’s really possible to do. I will give some basic examples through a playbook I use to customize my AIX systems.
Like said in the introduction, the requirements are pretty easy for Ansible. For me, it’s one of the selling points. No need to setup a complex infrastructure before being able to use it.
Ansible use ssh so obviously you need it installed. It’s the standard default in most environments.
A simple example of OpenSSH installation by NIM:
nimclient -o cust -a lpp_source="AI71-TL3SP3" -a filesets="openssh.base.server" -a accept_licenses=yes
Installation Summary
Name Level Part Event Result
openssh.base.client USR APPLY SUCCESS
openssh.base.server USR APPLY SUCCESS
openssh.base.client ROOT APPLY SUCCESS
openssh.base.server ROOT APPLY SUCCESS
You will need tk.base and tcl.base bff packages provided with AIX. They are installed by default on a vanilla AIX installation.
To install Python, I used the packages from the official IBM linux toolbox for aix.
You need:
- db
- gdbm
- expat
- readline
- python
Installation is performed by rpm but you can use yum on AIX now if you want.
# rpm -Uvh db-4.8.24-3.aix6.1.ppc.rpm gdbm-1.8.3-5.aix5.2.ppc.rpm expat-2.0.1-2.aix5.3.ppc.rpm readline-6.1-2.aix6.1.ppc.rpm python-2.7.10-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm
db ##################################################
gdbm ##################################################
expat ##################################################
readline ##################################################
python ##################################################
Ansible test
Let’s test if Ansible can work.
I have a small hosts file containing this informations:
adxlpar1 ansible_user=root
I use ansible_user parameter to use root user for ssh connection. It’s the only user available by default on the vanilla AIX system.
Let’s try to run the module setup on my my system adxlpar1:
ansible adxlpar1 -i hosts -m setup --ask-pass
I didn’t exchange ssh keys yet so I use the parameter –ask-pass to be prompted for the password.
The output should start like that(output truncated):
ansible adxlpar1 -i hosts -m setup --ask-pass
adxlpar1 | success >> {
"ansible_facts": {
"ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [
"ansible_all_ipv6_addresses": [
"ansible_architecture": "chrp",
simple playbook
I will show a part of my standard playbook when I setup a new test AIX partition.
It’s executed with ansible-playbook command.
I made a gist named ansible_aix_quick.yml containing the playbook.
To execute it:
ansible-playbook -i hosts ansible_aix_quick.yml
user management
First I create my group and user:
- name: add group adejoux
group: name=adejoux state=present
- name: create user adejoux
user: name=adejoux comment="Alain Dejoux" uid=1000 group=adejoux
Another nice feature of the user module is the possibility to generate the user’s ssh key:
- name: generate ssh key for adejoux
user: name=adejoux generate_ssh_key=yes ssh_key_type=ecdsa ssh_key_file=.ssh/id_ecdsa ssh_key_bits=256
Running it will give this output:
ansible-playbook -i hosts user.yml --ask-pass
SSH password:
PLAY [aixtestlab] **************************************************************
TASK [add group adejoux] *******************************************************
changed: [adxlpar1]
TASK [create user adejoux] *****************************************************
changed: [adxlpar1]
TASK [generate ssh key for adejoux] ********************************************
changed: [adxlpar1]
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
adxlpar1 : ok=3 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0
logical volumes
No module is available to manage AIX LVM so the only nice way is to use the command module and check if the device is created in /dev:
- name: create logical volume lvroot
command: mklv -t jfs2 -y lvroot rootvg 1G
creates: /dev/lvroot
- name: create logical volume lvtools
command: mklv -t jfs2 -y lvtools rootvg 1G
creates: /dev/lvtools
Same for filesystems. Here the check is less reliable, the directory itself could exist.
- name: create filesystem /root
command: crfs -v jfs2 -A yes -m /root -d lvroot
creates: /root
- name: create filesystem /tools
command: crfs -v jfs2 -A yes -m /tools -d lvtools
creates: /tools
Here the mount module works pretty well:
- name: mount /root
mount: name=/root src=/dev/lvroot state=mounted fstype=jfs2
- name: mount /tools
mount: name=/tools src=/dev/lvtools state=mounted fstype=jfs2
deploying ssh keys
The authorized_key module allows key deployment.
- name: deploy authorized key
authorized_key: user=root key="{{ lookup('file', '/Users/adejoux/.ssh/') }}"
copy file
The copy module allows to push configuration file easily.
- name: deploy root profile
copy: src=root_profile dest=/root/profile owner=root group=system
For information, here the small profile file I use:
export PS1="$(whoami)@$(hostname)(\$PWD)# "
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/opt/IBM/xlc/13.1.2/bin/:/opt/chef/bin
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi
export HISTSIZE=10000
set -o vi
OpenSSH AIX version and module hang
You can have some hang problems when running Ansible on AIX for modules like copy/template. It’s related to pseudo terminal allocation not working properly with the openssh implementation on AIX.
Here the thread talking about it:!topic/ansible-project/IQoTNwDBIiA
Wrapping up
I like Ansible a lot because it’s really easy to setup and realize things quickly. Automation is fun. :) This article is just a small introduction showing than Ansible work pretty well with AIX and it’s pretty easy to perform tasks with it.