docker dotclear migration

I have a old blog running on dotclear2 and I wanted to move it on docker for more flexibility. It’s read-only so I can commit the database container and restart it periodically. It can improve greatly the security of my whole system.

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Installing Piwik with Docker and Ansible

It’s my second article on Ansible. Ansible is perfect to manage Docker containers. I like to learn by applying tools to real usage, so here I will show how I deployed Piwik(open-source equivalent of Google Analytics) with Docker and Ansible.

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nmon2influxdb installation on Windows

In this post, I will describe how to install and run nmon2influxdb on Windows. I will install docker-toolbox to setup an environment where InfluxDB and Grafana are available for my tool.

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playing with docker

I tried docker on RHEL. It’s very well documented but it’s not easy to understand how to build your own image. For testing, i tried a PostgreSQL one.

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